Please join us in celebration of 400 Years of contributions to American Agricultural!
Registration Closes February 20, 2024.
Note that each person (even guests sharing the same hotel room) must have a different email address listed in the registration.
Dear Devon Enthusiast,
Devon Cattle are making history and, in the news, again. Of course, I am talking about the World Devon Congress tour and 400 Year commemoration of Devon cattle coming to the Plymouth colony and birthing the us cattle industry. I am so excited to share this historical celebration with Breeders from around the world and with our fellow American Milking Devon cattlemen and cattlewomen from right here in the US. For many years, I have sought the company of and enjoyed the wisdom of my good friend, John Hall, AMDA President. We have worked together on numerous Devon projects going back Decades. Before this, I sold cattle to Johns Uncle, Ray Clark and before that, his aunt, Diurna Kibbe (Daughter of Devon legend, Myron Green). Simply put, the Hall family is Devon Royalty, and I am honored to celebrate this Historic occasion with them and with all of you. So, please join us for the2024 World Devon Congress tour (info in magazine). Many premier US Devon breeders are preparing for our arrival and will showcase their cattle and farming operations, share wisdom and insight to farming in their environment, and generously wine and dine us all as we celebrate together the worlds most practical breed of cattle! If you can’t make it for the whole tour, there are opportunities to participate on a smaller scale or for portions of the journey. The BIG CELEBRATION will be May 2nd, 2024, at Plimoth Patuxent Museum in Plymouth, Mass. This is not to be missed as we walk Devon cattle through the living history museum reenacting the first animals landing in Plimoth, 400 years ago. We will also hear reports from the Presidents of the Different Devon breed societies from around the Globe, and more. Please reach out with any questions or to volunteer to help spread the word.
Red Devon USA President, Jeremy Engh
Red Devon History
In 1492, Columbus came to North America. Over the next 130 years, the pilgrims survived on supplies of primarily fish and shellfish. Without hunting restrictions, deer, wild fowl, rabbits and other small animals were also available to anyone who could hunt and trap them. The Pilgrims also brought farm animals with them, including pigs, chickens, and goats, but it wasn’t until later that sheep and cows were added.
These animals would turn out to be the foundation stock for the U.S. beef and dairy industries. Furthermore, these cattle would serve as oxen and advance western expansion in the U.S. The cattle that the Pilgrims chose were a remarkable breed called the Devon. Even more remarkable is that these cattle are still in production today. In fact, every 4 years since 1980, Devon breeders from around the world get together to celebrate this breed and to visit premier Devon operations. In April and May of 2024, this celebration will take place in the U.S., culminating with the reenactment of the first animals coming to the Plymouth colony.
This tour will reach hundreds, if not thousands, of farmers and ranchers up and down the east coast. Media coverage and national exposure are expected for this historical event as well. We hope you will join us in celebration of this event in one of many ways.
Single Occupancy = $5,900 USD |
Double Occupancy ("Add a Guest" on the "Addition People" section of the registration form) = Additional $1,900 USD (sharing the same hotel room with the attendee) |
Attend only the 400 Year Lunch Celebration at Plimouth at Plimouth Plantation Thursday May 2 = $200.00 USD (no travel or hotel accommodations included) |
Look Who's Attending!